воскресенье, 29 июля 2012 г.

…About love…

At the very first time I wanted to name this post on the analogy of the previous one – “…About how to love…”, but I understood that I can not tell about those feelings which could be experienced by people with different ideology or psychology. That is why I decided to lighten only those subjects which I have an idea of and affect me.

About two month ago one of my friends said that in my age to expect that at the sight of man my knees will shake and my heart will jump out of chest is silly idea. And I cached myself on the idea that there if no live… I don’t believe that in my “18” I can not fell in love over my head and ears. Surely over 7 year marriage, unsuccessful efforts of relationships with other men and overall immaturity of male population (now I am talking only about those men who are in my living area) – all these encourage the situation when men will answer me: “Yeas, I don’t love dirty shoes…”, and after:”…you have a double take…” (NOTE: these two phases are form well known Russian movie “Moskva slezam ne verit” – Moscow does not believe in tears. You can look the scene in here http://www.yapfiles.ru/show/298979/f0a95818c52c73ed80a5b5882a2e6051.flv.html?autoplay=1, but it is only on Russian)

Also not so long time ago I’ve seen the movie “Up in the air”, in which on the heroines tells that if you are 22, you dream of prince with white horse, if you are 34, you dream of a man who earns more than you, loves children, often smiles and you are lucky if he is not bold…

Bloody hell! I DON’T AGREE, I DON’T BELIEVE!!!!!!!!! Can it be true if a human being has one sad experience in love he will never have a crush on someone (yes-yes, exactly crush on someone), and will never have shaky knees, will never become ruddy and will never say to himself “Oh, God, I am such an idiot..”, will never be awake at nights, thin down and whereby nothing to eat…WHEN WHY WE LIVE

Than indeed all people just wait for smiling partner with clean shoes who loves children…

Once I had a thought that you can save money, but also you can save feeling, emotions… Sometimes distress of soul can force you to waste a lot of vital energy, and most of people are lo lazy to spend energy, it is better for them to seat at home, watch TV, meet with friends in bar etc…

Indeed, agree, very often a thought “why the hell I will drag alone there, and what new will I see there”… and it seems that we REALLY don’t want anything…up to shake in hands…

And even now I can break away in one day, if someone, for instance, needs my help, If someone will call and ask for a help…

I suppose, in modern world we get used to plan everything, literally everything… Even relationships and feelings. Men have an easy plan – present flowers, sweets, invite in cinema, and romantic dinner with continuation… Whose who have more fantasy can invite you to spend vacations together, take a turn on rollers, invite to dolphinarium… Chicks can have exact plans too: on the first date I will let to kiss myself, at the second date to must be irresistible, and may be after third date I will invite him at my place…

May be all this is right – I don’t know…If I fell in love with someone, I am sure I wouldn’t have clear thoughts in my head… Knowing myself, I almost sure that I could talk fantastic nonsense, ruddy and indeed not think about what is the number of dates it is now…

And in general, plans in feelings are senseless in my view… Judging by myself: during all my life I was fond of Nordic people – Siberians, Scandinavians, Brits. But not so long time ago I liked Kubanec (NOTE: there is a historical region in Russia named Kuban locating on the south near Black sea) – with southern accent, sufficiently talkative, not Alen D’elon… But the fate’s jike is that I liked him J… And after I had a thought how my destiny can make a laugh at me J and I will marry a French of Arabic origin J or a blond men with blue eyes..

But in total, each girl wants to meet a man who will love her for the fact that she is, who will be ready to come in a great hurry in the middle of night, if she needs help, or fall down on the distant end of the world; who will like all her undertakings – from job to hobbies; who will recognize her loyalty; who will admire her; will present her dressings/jewelles/bijous and watch her while she is trying it; who will understand that household sometimes can press upon her and will not make any scenes about dirty dishes in a sink; who will understand that PMS (premenstrual syndrome) is a real syndrome and women can suffer mentally and physically; who will appreciate her for decision to give birth a child(-ren) from him – believe me, for a woman this is the most important step in her life; who will cover her with his shoulder and till the very end will make her feeling a real woman…beloved woman….

Wrote all this and understood that “fantasy is in the fifth section”…

…although, men, if you will succeed in all these, I guarantee that after your back you will have the as very strong support, as you will be for your ladies…


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